Glute Exercises For Runners

Glute Exercises For Runners

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Having firmer, stronger, and better-shaped glutes has many benefits. It will improve everyday tasks like walking and overall balance, and it can even allow you to sit for longer periods of time.

It will reduce the strain of exercise and can improve the overall posture and motor functions of your body. Not to mention, it will add to the physical charm of your appearance.

A firmer butt will inspire confidence, and it will attract the gazes of people everywhere. Joggers often believe that they have the most toned bodies, but his misconception can lead to a lazy approach in toning their bodies. As a result, many runners and joggers often neglect to shape up their behind.

Here, we will discuss the benefits that having a firmer buttocks can have on your jogging routine. Plus, we will discuss a few exercises that you can attempt.

For further advice and more advanced exercises, feel free to visit the Unlock My Glutes site. At this site, you will find many methods and tips on how to have a butt that will make your neighbors jealous. You will also find valuable nutritional aids that will improve the shape and tone of your tush.

How Having Firmer Glutes Will Assist Your Jogging Performance

Having a strong butt is extremely important for joggers. You will see many athletes on the track with exceptionally firm behinds.

This is not because running exercises actually shape your butt, even though jogging does train the most muscles in your body.

Your feet, legs, hips, and even organ muscles like the lungs and heart are used vigorously when you run. It does not, however, give the buttocks a generous dose of exercise.

To improve your butt muscles, the glutes, you will need to do additional exercises. As many know, the best exercise for shaping your booty is to do those hated squats.

The benefits of firming and strengthening your butt should not be underestimated. There are so many benefits that it is highly recommended to train your butt if you want to improve your fitness.

Even if you are not a pro, you will benefit from improving the quality of your glute muscles. Not only will it provide aesthetic improvement, but it will also aid your performance and reduce the risk of injuries.

When you jog or run, the greatest amount of force is spread between your back, legs, and hips. Having stronger muscles in the behind will help reduce the strain felt by your hamstrings.

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With stronger glutes, the force from hitting the ground will be dispersed more equally throughout your body. A secret of many athletes that is not widely known is that glute exercises can improve your performance and speed.

Since the glutes are much bigger and stronger than the hamstrings, you will generate greater force. This will result in better sprinting and acceleration.

With stronger buttock muscles helping your legs, your performance will drastically improve. Even your overall endurance will be far greater.

Since the strain of running and jogging is now evenly spread and aided, it will improve speed and the distance you can run. You will feel the difference and begin to experience improved confidence.

This additional aid will also drastically reduce the risk of sustaining injuries in the calf, shins, and heels. With more power, you will also be able to improve the amount of strain that you can handle.

Glute Exercises for Runners

There are plenty of exercises that can build, strengthen, and shape the booty, but here we will only mention a few. You can find many more on the internet if you feel the need.

For those who love the gym more than the couch, here are a few exercises you can try.

Glute Exercises For Runners

Sumo Squat With KettleBell

This is a very useful and effective exercise for shaping up your buttocks. Acquire a kettlebell of a preferred weight that is suitable for your level of training.

Stand up straight with your legs further than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing at a slight angle outward.

  1. Hold the kettlebell firmly in both hands with your palms facing inward. Keep the bell stable between your legs with your arms freely stretched.
  2. Keep facing forward and looking dead ahead, and keep your chest firm and forward.
  3. Then, enter into a squatting position by only bending the knees. Bend and lower your body until your thighs are parallel with the floor.
  4. Keep your back straightened and your heels firmly on the ground at all times during the movement. Push back up, keeping your motion smooth and jerk-free as you go down and up during the squat.

If done correctly, it should appear like the sumo wrestler stance before they engage with one another.

Box Jump

This is a slightly advanced exercise, but it is incredibly effective for improving glute strength and shape. Find a box, at first only about 50cm high.

  1. Stand in front of the box with your feet placed shoulder-width apart and pointing forward. Enter a quarter squat, only bending slightly into the squatting stance.
  2. Swing your arms gently but firmly backward and then forward. As your arms swing forward, launch into a jump, attempting to jump onto the box.
  3. Try to land firmly on the box while still in the quarter squatting position. Step down and repeat as many times as you can.

Bulgarian Split Squat

  1. Find a bench with a flat and level sitting surface. Then, stand facing away from the bench.
  2. Raise one leg and place the top of your foot on the sitting surface’s edge. Lock your hands together with your elbows square to your hips and keep your chest and hips straight and level.
  3. Bend the knee that’s foot is resting on the bench only slightly and enter into a squatting position. Bend into the squat until the back knee nearly touches the ground.
  4. As you squat, keep the front foot firmly planted. As you reach the end of the squat, snap back into a standing position by driving only with your glutes.

Repeat with the opposite leg and do as many reps as is comfortable for you.


As you advance and improve with your training and routine, feel free to add to the weight of the bell and do as many reps as you think best.

Always evolve as your body improves to see and maintain the results you desire. For more advanced training advice, visit the Unlock My Glutes website.

Motivate yourself today, and tomorrow you will be thanking yourself. You’ll see many benefits, some that you won’t even realize at the moment.

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