Glute Exercises at Home

Glute Exercises at Home

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When thinking about starting butt exercises, there is no need to actually join a gym. Believe it or not, there are a wide range of glute exercises that you can perform in the comfort of your home.

Apart from giving you a great look, a healthy and strong butt also helps motivate you to lead an active physical life. This is especially true for desk job workers who need specific glute workout.

These exercises are also mentioned in some of the most popular glute exercise guides, such as the Unlock Your Glutes site. Below are some of the most effective glute exercises that you can perform without leaving the comfort of your home.

So without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the best glute exercises for home use.

Glute Muscles

Before we start discussing our glute exercises, let’s discuss the muscles located within our butt. These include the gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, and gluteus minimus.

All these muscles work together to stabilize the pelvis, which then helps to keep your knees and hips aligned. Butt muscles also offer the required power and strength when you run long stretches.

The glutes provide you the support to perform a variety of activities, such as working out, running, weightlifting, and more. Thus, healthy and strong glute muscles are essential for almost every physical activity.

Therefore, it is essential to strengthen these muscles through regularly working out. By doing so, you not only get a perfectly shaped body but also feel more active while doing other workouts.

Best Glute Workouts

Squat Thrust

To perform this exercise, you need to stand with your legs hip-width apart. Bend down and place both your hands on the floor.

Now, jump and push your feet backward, so that you acquire a high plank position. When in this position, make sure to keep your core engaged, with your shoulders over your wrists and your hips level.

After pausing for a few seconds, jump to your feet and back to the initial position. However, while getting back to this position, make sure to squeeze your glutes.

You can modify this move in a variety of ways to make it more effective for you. For instance, you can do this exercise with either a slow or fast tempo.

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Jumping Lunge

Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and engage the core. Now, move your left foot forward while taking a small jump.

When making this move, you also need to throw the left foot forward. By bending one knee at a time, you can drop into a lunge.

Now, hop back to the initial position and repeat this process on the other side by simply alternating legs.

In order to make this move more challenging, you can switch the feet in midair. Make sure to drop into a lunge each time, as this will make it a more effective glute exercise.

Bodyweight Squat

The bodyweight squat is a perfect exercise for strengthening the glute muscles. To start, just stand with your feet hip width apart and move your butt backward by hinging at the hips.

Bend both knees so they become parallel to the floor. While performing this exercise, just focus on your glutes, hip, and hamstrings.

Moreover, try to keep the core engaged and maintain a straight back.

While standing up, try to squeeze your glutes and go back to the starting position. By lowering or increasing the speed of this exercise, you can find the perfect pace for you.

Jump Squat

To start with, just stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width. As in other cases, you also need to engage the core for a better performance.

Send your hip back and do a squat. In this position, you must bend your knees and keep on lowering your body until the thighs are parallel to the floor.

After reaching the bottom of the squat, you have to jump up as high as possible. Straighten the legs and softly land on the floor.

The key to performing this exercise more efficiently is to immediately go to the next squat without pausing.

You can also swing your arms a bit if it feels comfortable to you. As a whole, this is one of the most effective exercises that you can do to get a perfectly shaped butt.

Pop Squat

You can do this glute exercise by keeping your feet joined together and placing your hands on your chest. Now, take a wide jump and perform a squat.

While engaging the glutes and bending your knees, tap the floor with the right hand. After that, go to the initial position by jumping your feet back.

Perform another rep by tapping the floor with your left hand.

You need to perform this exercise continuously and without taking any pause between two reps. Continue to do pop squats, alternating the hand that you tap to the floor each time.

Glute Bridge

Lie down with your face up and knees bent. Keep your feet at hip-width apart.

Now, engage your core in such a manner that your lower back is pressed against the floor. While continuing with this position, just lift your hips and squeeze your glutes.

After that, hold your body in the same posture for some time.

Finally, lower your hips back to the ground and go back to your starting position. Complete each set without taking any pauses.

Glute Exercises at Home

Curtsy Lunge With Kick

While performing a curtsy lunge with kick, you need to stand with your feet hip-width apart and your core engaged. After that, step the right foot behind your left leg in a diagonal position.

Bend both the knees and drop into a curtsy lunge. Now, push through the left heel and stand.

Next, sweep the right leg out in the left direction. Now, lower your right foot and repeat the same procedure as with the left leg.

Make sure to repeat this exercise without any pause.

After completing the set on one side, repeat the same number of reps on the other side. This glute exercise is a great option if want to get the desired result after only a few weeks.

Marching Glute Bridge

Follow the same procedure as mentioned in the above section (glute bridge). However, while keeping your core engaged, you have to lift your right foot.

Bring your knee close to your chest and stop when your hip is hinged at a 90-degree angle. Now, place your foot back on the floor and immediately repeat the activity on the other side.

While continuing this exercise, you can alternate your feet while keeping your hips at an elevated position.


When performing the skater exercise, keep the feet wider than hip-width apart and make sure the core is completely engaged. Now, jump your right foot forward and land lightly with your knee bent.

Without pausing, swing your left foot behind. Continue repeating this exercise for at least 16 reps, and you can swing your arms slowly to maintain a perfect balance.

Side Step Wide Squat

While standing with your feet closed and core engaged, hold your hands at chest height. Now, step the right foot slightly to the right and create a distance between both feet.

After reaching this position, hinge at the hips and push your butt back. Bend the knees and drop your body into a wide squat.

To continue with this exercise, just straighten your knees back and bring the right foot back to its original position.

Repeat this exercise with each leg and make sure to keep the number of reps consistent.

Step-Up With Knee Lift

To perform this exercise, you need a prop. This should be a wooden or plastic box that is capable of holding your body weight. You can also use the first staircase of a stairway. Just step onto the box or staircase with one foot (right or left).

For instance, if you are stepping with the right foot, you have to drive your left knee up. Try to lift your knee to hip height.

By maintaining a perfect balance and control, put your left foot on the floor. On the contrary, when lifting the left foot first, you will end up placing the right foot on the floor.

You have to continue with the same side and complete one set. The number of reps should be the same for both sides.

Once you have completed the reps on one side, repeat the same procedure on the other side. In addition, you shouldn’t pause between two consecutive reps. If you do so, it will break the pace of your exercise.

Reverse Lunge

To perform a reverse lunge, you have to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and engage the core. After that, step backward using your left foot.

However, the heel must not touch the ground while you are stepping back. Now, bend the knees at a 90-degree angle and drop your body into a lunge.

Don’t forget to keep your core engaged during the whole process. Keep your hips tucked so that it gives you firm support.

It has been seen often that, by placing your hands on your hips, you can prevent tilting your body in any direction. In the end, push off the ball of your left foot to achieve the initial position.

Repeat the process on the right side, and you can take a break while switching between right and left foot. However, while performing the reps, you should repeat the steps continuously.

Hip Thrust

To perform a hip thrust, you need to support your upper back on a bed or couch. In this position, the lower part of the back must stay at the edge of the bed or couch.

Furthermore, you also need to have the chest and knees aligned at the same height. Now, pull your feet backward until they come under each of your knees.

While performing this glute exercise, you have to keep your knees bent. After securing the perfect position, it’s time to perform the exercise.

You just need to lift your hips by lifting your heels.

You can also improve your efficiency and performance by changing the position of your feet. It will allow you to have the best posture and feet placement, which will put maximum pressure on your glute muscles.

Donkey Kicks

If you want to perform another effective glute exercise, try the donkey kick. It is a popular move that helps target the glute muscles.

Just put your knees and hands on the floor and move your leg in a way that resembles a donkey kick. You can get the maximum benefit out of this exercise by using a resistance band.

Bottom Line

By going through this article, you should now have an idea of effective glute exercises you can do at home. Moreover, you don’t need any kind of accessories or weights to perform these glute exercises at home.

In order to compile the list of these exercises, we have taken assistance from some of the most relevant glute exercise guides. One of them is the Unlock Your Glutes website, which offers sufficient information about different glute exercises and the most effective ways to perform them.

When it comes to the performance and effectiveness of these exercises, they tend to offer desired outcomes quicker than anticipated.

These are the most suitable exercises for both men and women. Although you can do all of these exercises, the best practice is to choose only five of them.

By doing so, you can create a customized fitness regimen that keeps you fit and healthy and also helps you get a perfectly shaped butt. Furthermore, you can start by performing each of the moves for short intervals and then move your way up with increased duration.

Similar is the case with the reps, as with each set you should start with a minimum of 5 reps and then increase it up to 12. We have tried to include the best workouts that offer what is necessary  to develop perfectly shaped glutes.

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